Christmas Eve
4 pm Family Service
7:30 pm Contemporary Service
10 pm Traditional Service
Worship is always special at St. Paul's, but it is especially so on Christmas Eve. It's a time to sing Christmas Carols, hear the familiar and powerful story of Jesus' birth and be touched by God's love! Holy Communion is offered at all the services and, as always, everyone is welcome to celebrate this physical reminder of God's love! The music is always extra special on Christmas Eve and the candle lighting at the end of the service is always a blessing as we sing Silent Night and then raise the rafters with Joy to the World!
The 4 pm Family Service is especially designed for young families with a special children's message!
The 7:30 pm Contemporary Service follows a format similar to the weekly contemporary service with a simpler liturgy and the familiar carols take on new energy led by a praise band!
The 10 pm Traditional Service follows the format of the weekly traditional service, with a more formal liturgy and hymns accompanied by organ.
If you have any questions, please feel free to fill out the form below.
We really look forward to seeing you on Christmas Eve!