Vacation Bible School
This was the theme for 2024.
The tentative dates for 2025 are July 21-25. This page will be updated as details are planned!
Vacation Bible School is an awesome week in the summer of games, learning, music and crafts. Students Pre-Kindergarten through entering sixth grade in Fall of 2024 are welcome to join and participate. Students who have finished fifth grade and older are invited to help and serve throughout the week.
Camp Firelight
Come join us this summer for Camp Firelight where your child will meet camp Counselor Sam and Lumen as they navigate through some new challenges and learn to face their fears while trusting in God!
We have plenty of space for campers and volunteers! Please share with your friends!
Dates: Monday, July 22 - Friday, July 26
Time: 9:00 am - Noon
Ages: Must be at least 4 years old by 1/1/2024 up to 5th grade (completed 2023-24 school year)
Cost: $40/student, $30 for second and more siblings. (for financial assistant, please contact Pastor Stuart.)
New this year: DISCOUNTS for parent volunteers! See registration form for details.
Registration Deadline: July 7, 2024 (exceptions will be made if your child's class is not full)
** VBS Ice Cream Social Kick-off on Sunday, July 21, on the parsonage lawn at 6:00 pm
** Final Show on Friday, July 26, at Noon. Families and guests welcome!
Click here for an online form or download a "VBS Camper Registration" form below and follow the instructions.
If you registered online, please mail a check to St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 104 S. Village Avenue, Exton, PA 19341 or place your check in an envelope and put the envelope in the VBS mailbox under the stairs in the narthex. Please write "VBS" on the memo line.
If you printed the registration form, please mail the form(s) and a check to St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 104 S. Village Avenue, Exton, PA 19341 or place the form(s) and your check in an envelope and put the envelope in the VBS mailbox under the stairs in the narthex. Please write "VBS" on the memo line.
To provide a safe environment for all children and teens, all staff and volunteers comply with St. Paul's Lutheran Church Youth Protection Policy. Kids who have completed 5th grade and older may volunteer. All staff and volunteers 18+ must complete a criminal and child abuse background check and are trained in accordance with the policy. ​Please download a "Volunteer Registration" form below and mail it to the church or put it in the VBS mailbox under the stairs in the narthex. If you have any questions or interested in volunteering, please click here for an online form or download a "VBS Volunteer Registration Form" below and follow the instructions.